We are a Carbon Neutral property
We are very aware that our choices have a big impact on our environment. We are continuously evaluating our practices to minimise our negative environmental impact. All of our core activities are carbon neutral and we factor in our suppliers' policies when choosing how we source ingredients and supplies.
So far...
A third of our electricity is generated by our own solar panels with surplus heating our hot water
All of our heating and hot water is generated by our Carbon Neutral Biomass Boiler
All of our ingredients are sourced within a 20 mile radius
All of our food waste is composted, all of cardboard, glass, tin and plastic is recycled - Nothing goes to landfill.
We have constructed a wildlife pond to help the local ecology and create nature habitats - our rainwater is harvesting to help keep the pond topped up.
Future Projects...
Kitchen Garden: We are excited to have been awarded a grant from Pub is the Hub to help towards the cost of our community allotments project. We aim to provide at least 6 allotments for the community to use, whilst also providing fresh produce to be used in the New Inn kitchen.
Reed Bed: We are planning the creation of a reed bed to act as a natural filter for our wildlife pond, whilst creating a great habitat for birds and amphibians.
Fairy Woodland Trail: Plans are underway for the creation of a woodland trail. Additional trees will be planted to extend a small wooded area, a woodchip path and fairy doors and creatures will be created to make an enjoyable fairy walk. Areas will be created to encourage hedgehogs and fungi.